Tuesday, September 23, 2008

We've been waiting all our lives...

Thank you free song on iTunes. Last week, iTunes featured a wonderful little ditty called Buildings & Mountains by a band known as the Republic Tigers. Granted, I don't get too much into the free iTunes singles. Usually they are a bit overplayed or overrated, but I still download the interesting looking ones... and I am glad I do.

I don't know how these guys passed me by the first time, but they are tres fantastique! It's the band I have been waiting to find. They kind of sound Shins-y in one song, and Postal Service-y in the next. Probably not the greatest of comparisons, but definitely worth the price of their album.

Check the mp3's...

1 comment:

Melanie said...

Do I admit that I actually heard Republic Tigers while watching an episode of Gossip Girl and had to go find more of their music? Yes, it's true.